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Cathay Coating is world's leading formulator of premium quality multicolor coating designed with cutting edge performances in:

* UV Resistance. Suitable for interior & exterior application

* Freeze-Thaw Resistance (in liquid)

* Excellent low/high tempereture resistance for all climate use ( dry film )

* Long term water resistance , excellent adhesion and washability

* Storage Stability up to 12 month without agglomeration, coalescence and color migration of individual

  colored liquid particles

* Non-gelation, low viscosity formulation to ensure even film form, quick dry time, low material consumption,

  and excellent spray applicability

* Good recotability

* Easy application by electrical or air spray gun

* Quick spray, one shot to complete full pattern, minimal labor time required

* Low VOC, odorless

* Green Product, REACH Compliant

Cathay Multicolor Stoneface Paint

Multicolor coating technology, unlike the prevailing homogeneous paint, is a multi-phased, non dispersed formulation designed specially to embody different colored liquid capsules in a mixture to yield multicolor pattern  through a one-shot spray mechanic. Without addition of any aggregate, filler, minerals, Multicolor Coating can create granular pattern emulating natural material texture such as granite, marble, and other building material of multiple shades and tone, thus is able to enhance 3-dimensionality of any applied surface, from building facade to any surface finishes.

Cathay Coating's Multicolor Coating Solution provides more than 1,000 pattern color database! 

The World's Leader in Multicolor Coating solutions​!!!!

A & J Maju Sdn Bhd was Authorized  by Cathay Coating Mfg.Co.Ltd. 

as a Sole Distributor in Brunei & Philippine Market

Made in Taiwan

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